We all reached Iscozacín in one piece so that deserves a strong Congrats. The morning started in the Lima airport where we checked into our morning flight to Jauja. The fun continued when Josh ran into some troubles at the airport because he mistook a Sept 28th ticket for a Sept 29th ticket, which meant that he had to wait in line to get his ticket changed.
We decided to stay at the airport and not get a hotel since our next flight was at 7 am. Spenser met up with us later and got to experience the delirious Deepika, as we had all been up since 5:30 am Saturday morning.
After landing in Jauja, we had a lovely drive through the mountains to a community past San Ramón where we ate lunch and rested after the four hour drive. After lunch, we took another 4 hour drive to Iscozacín and managed to arrive in one piece with no casualties! We met Meredith from Reach Global (partner NGO) and the rest of the team and we are now excited for the real fun to begin! We are excited to learn more about this community's needs and their existing water system. Stay tuned folks because tomorrow the day will get even more exciting.
-Signed Delirious Deepika ready for the adventures tomorrow.